Saturday, September 22, 2012

S.3457 Veterans Jobs Corps Act = A Load of Crap

The Democrats are certainly trying to make a lot of political hay over the Republican defeat of S.3457 Veterans Job Corps Act of 2012.  They're especially livid over Sen Coburn calling it crap, but he's right.

The bill offers up one billion dollars over 5 years to make more government job positions specifically designed to keeping veterans as slaves to the state long after their oath of enlistment and last tour of duty is over.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Say Goodbye to Liberty

Nice song.

I See Drones Fly, That We Don't Need in the Sky.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Preserving Rural Resources Act: Reducing Regulatory Burdens On Our Family Farmers

Nathan Hammock claims he's spent approximately $30,000 to multiple government agencies for approval to build a farm pond and not a shovel full of dirt has been moved after 2 1/2 years of fighting the approval process.

This is disgusting.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

How 'Pro-Choice' Are You? created an intriguing short video at the Democratic National Convention asking people about their thoughts on choice.

Now this is not to denigrate Democrats or liberals for there is plenty of hypocrisy in everyone's opinions on the way things ought to be to go around.  There are considerable numbers of Republicans and conservatives who are staunchly pro-life, yet they certainly don't mind dropping a bomb or two here or there.  As one lady said at 3:40 in that video, "So maybe there are some contradictions, but people are made up of contradictions."  Ain't that the truth!  But the larger question is:  Do we have to put up with it?  Of course not!